Peace of mind: The loss of a loved one is a difficult and stressful time. Our compassionate and skilled attorneys have routinely provided hassle free counsel to numerous families to help guide them through the maze of Probate and the administration of a loved one’s estate. Our lawyers will ease your mind and assist you through this process. Let our experienced attorneys simplify and handle the preparation of your Last Will & Testament, probate, estate planning and trusts.
Protection: You and your loved ones have worked hard to acquire your family’s property and assets. The legal team at bkctg will help you devise a plan to protect, preserve and manage your assets and affairs during your lifetime. We will prepare all of your advance directive documents including your Durable Financial Power of Attorney, Living Will or Medical Power of Attorney. These important documents let you decide who is in charge and how your affairs are managed for you in the event you become incapacitated by a health or other emergency. We can answer your nursing home and Medicare eligibility questions and ease your mind by providing legal strategies to protect your loved one’s assets. At bkctg we strive to protect families for a lifetime.